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In 195 Categories
1. In the member area, check the current offers & pick the offer/s you want to get.
2. You want to locate the "Logo" with the date on it from that business's offer.
3. Put The Picture Of This On Your Phone.
To paste a web picture to your phone's photos, you can copy the image from this website and then paste it into your phone's photos.
Copy the offer image/s you want from
Tap & Hold the image you want to save.
Download the image or SHARE
To your own email address
It's Now On Your Phone
After Your Purchase Delete The Image/s
Copy the offer image/s you want from
Tap & Hold the image you want to save.
Download the image or SHARE
To your own email address
It's Now On Your Phone
After Your Purchase Delete The Image/s
4. Show the pic on your phone @ Checkout
If you're not at a Brick & Mortar Business,
and using the offer online, simply email the
business or call them to make sure you're getting the discount offered, before you pay.
You May Have To Email The Pic.
5. DONE!